Friday, May 26, 2006

So Dumb The Con Of Man

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89..............

before i post anything, wanna make an apology to mark, sam, yongrui and wei kang for what happened just now... i was making a big deal over such a small thing... sorry... really... it was stupid... i was thinking since we've gotten so far, might as well continue on right? but forget it.. its over...

Anyways, watched the da vinci code today with them, except wei kang... it was rather cool, makes a lot of sense IF the info they gave was true, but it isnt, far from the real truth.... constatine wasnt the one who compiled the bible, drew young men like females at their time, the Priory of scion was a scam which was only created in the 1960s and exposed as a scam in the late 60s instead of being 100s of generations old..... i could go on with the whole list of twisted facts, but you get my Point... but it was very good they way they reveal the 'truth'... at Least it kept the 3 of us watching and sitting at the edge of our seats eager to find out whats next...

the 3 of us have discovered a dark and possibly deadly conspiracy in our time... the truth that when revealed, will shake the Entire southern seas...

far above the knowledge of the queen,
beside the mighty pillar of wisdom she hid,
seeking for those who held the secret,
the power behind seasons and storms.

her head blessed with enchanted wings,
she fears not the worst of things,
consumed by darkness she embraced,
no companions has favoured her.

so dark the coats of her,
but she fears of only one,
neither gods nor demons shake her will,
only the fall of man will she stop.............

go figure... ^^


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