Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ice Cold

the room was.. A tinge of warm light of unknown origin filled the otherwise dead chamber. Ice covered the walls, like flawless mirrors they mock him. His reflections.. monstrosities..

Only human. How could he be worthy of the great treasure he seeks?

And there it was. Encased in a throne of ice. So alluring, tangible, just within reach. It's beauty second to none, save the warm light he follows.

So close.. yet so far..

His fingers ran across the dry frozen surface of its prison. No sign of melting. Surely there must be a way..

Its artist, a master of all, apprentice to none. His works are elusive, yet always finding their way into the hands of those who seek them hard enough.

Surely.. there must be a way...

The warm guiding light.. perhaps...


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